The term Health and Safety is generally used to describe Occupational Health and Safety.

Health and Safety is an important consideration in schools. Our school has a legal responsibility to protect students from harm, including risks posed by health and safety.

When parents send their children to school, they want to be certain that the children are in a safe environment. Similarly, teachers need to be sure that pupils are protected during learning hours, too. This is why suitable health and safety regulations are a requirement for schools inorder to keep their students and staff in a protected environment. But how is health and safety implemented in a school or academy?

A school doesn’t start and end with the pupils, teachers and the head teachers – there are a number of governing bodies, charities and employers that assist other members of the staff. A systematic approach to managing health and safety risks is important. Ethically, it is the right thing to do. Part of a school’s overall values is to keep staff and visitors safe and help pupils to become the risk averse, citizens of tomorrow. Operationally it helps avoid costly accidents , disruption losses and damage to the school’s morale and reputation. And ofcourse, it enables the school to comply with their duties under health and safety law.

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Navodaya English High School & Junior College

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